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14-Day Longevity Diet Plan E-Book

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Why is elderly nutrition?

As you grow older, your dietary choices will likely evolve. For one thing, you may notice changes in your appetite and how you feel about food. Additionally, certain medical conditions–such as high blood pressure or diabetes–may prompt a change in your diet, and side effects of medication can also play a role. These changes can make it even more difficult to keep up a healthy diet than it was when you were younger, because healthy recipes and dietary routines that used to suit you may no longer fit with your lifestyle or appetite.

For an older adult with a long-term illness, good nutrition takes on even more importance. And healthy eating isn’t all about calorie counting and scouring food labels. Meals are also a time for connection, and good food is one of life’s basic pleasures -- at any age. It may also help prevent some diseases, such as osteoporosis, high blood pressure, heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and certain cancers.

But as you age, your body and life change, and so does what you need to stay healthy. For example, you may need fewer calories, but you still need to get enough nutrients. Some older adults need more protein.

How clinical dietitian Help You in Longevity Diet?

FUEL YOU BETTER, what you eat is essential to your health condition, especially an older adult, the improper foods could cause negative and serious health problems,

A registered dietitian (or nutritionist) is a part of the team of health professionals that could help, the 14 days Longevity Diet Plan with recipes, includes breakfast, lunch, snack and dinner is carefully formulated with precise portion and caloric range calculated, all recommended foods are easy to buy and cook, all nutrition factors considered.

Why 14 days?

It is planned as educational and trailer stage one, aim for your learning and settlement purposes, not too long not too short, the rationale and ingredients are introduced, it is time to allow rooms for modification and fine tuning.

Our Diet Plan is the same as you got from the Merlyn Health clinical nutritional preliminary consultation.

Table of Contents

Introduction 5

What is elderly nutrition? 5

Dietitian Help you in Elderly age 5

Recommended Foods for Elderly Nutrition 6

Food Avoid in Elderly Nutrition 9

Diet Plan 10

Week 1 10

Week 2 12

Appendix 13

Important Guidelines 13

Recipes 14

Week 1

Breakfast 14

Mid-Morning Snack 21

Lunch Recipes 28

Dinner Recipes 36

Week 2

Breakfast 45

Mid-Morning Snack 52

Lunch Recipes 59

Dinner Recipes 68

Hand Sizing Chart 77

Grocery List 78

Conclusion 79

Last Remarks 79

How Dietitian Help you in elderly age in next level up?

Dietitians, especially those who specialize in working with older adults, can help you understand how to meet your changing nutritional needs as you age, whatever your specific concerns and preferences may be. Dietitians can also be a valuable resource for older adults who are living at home. They can create customized meal plans that meet your budget and food preferences or help with a range of medical nutrition therapies (MNT), nutrition plans used to treat specific medical conditions. Dietitians administer medical nutrition therapies to help manage existing health problems or prevent new ones, such as Type 2 diabetes, from emerging at this age

• The goal of nutrition in patients with adults to making accurate plan according to their age add, calcium , dietary fiber and mineral and vitamin rich diet to prevent aging or delay aging. Plan the foods that are less in saturated fats and trans fat

• Minimize their problems related to chewing and swallowing problem if they are facing. If they are having problem due to stress and confusion dietitian plan accordingly about their current condition

• Focus on elderly nutrition by keeping eye on their needs, current condition( swallowing and chewing problems, stress and confusion, dull taste buds and loss of appetite , mouth soreness ) to avoid muscle degeneration and weakness.

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